Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Those Darn Kids

Isn’t that a great picture? It’s one of my favorites. That’s Sonny on the left and Sam on the right. Sam is short for Samantha and Sonny is short for anything but his stature. He’s a big kid alright but not too bright. I think his body grew a bit faster than his mind. Those two are twins. I usually have to shut people’s mouths right about now from that news. Sam is about the right size for their age, they’re about 13 now.

My name is Shirley and I live across the street from Sam and Sonny. Ever since they moved into town, everybody talks about Sam and Sonny and not all the talk is nice. People say that Sonny shouldn’t live at home with his dad and sister because he can be a handful. Some people say that they need a mother to take care of those kids but Sam won’t here of it. She’s an independent and protective little girl. I’d say she’s the shining star in that old house. She may be small and scrappy but she’ll protect that big dumb brother of hers come hell or high water. And lord forbid that her hardworking father bring any women over because that little prize fighter will run them out quicker than a greased up pig.

Since their momma left some years ago, Sam just thought she was the one to step up to the plate. Times were pretty tough for them a couple of years ago. Their dad, Roger, got a good paying job working in a factory a couple towns away and couldn’t be home for all the things a parent was supposed to do. Sonny is just as smart as hamster in its wheel and needs help with just about everything. I did what I could for them by making casseroles for dinner and letting them play at my house when they were younger. But the older Sam got, the more independent she was and the more she wanted to do things for her family herself. Sammy did stuff most kids her age should never be doing, like the wash and the cooking, but Roger sure did appreciate it. He knew nothing bad would happen to Sonny while Sam was running the show. I remember when some older kids were picking on Sonny while they were walking home. Sam on the sly, picked up a rock and threw it as hard as she could at the boys. She pegged one of ‘em right in the forehead and those boys were off like a prom dress. She grabbed a hold of Sonny’s hand and walked him home like nothing ever happened.

It was the cutest thing to see those kids play together but boredom would set it quick. Sonny only liked to do a couple of things and Sam just plain got tired of the same old games so that’s when I got this picture. Those old newspaper boxes are down the block from my house and the kids had been playing catch in the street. All of a sudden I look over and Sam had squished herself into that box and Sonny just sat there waiting for her to play catch again. I sure hope they do alright. I’m sure they’ll be just fine.

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