Monday, June 4, 2007


Kelly and I in Nuevo Loredo

From Mardi Gras to Mexico
beaches to bars
The days and the nights lasted forever
like a nineteen year old
on crack.
The hot Louisiana nights only got shorter
As the years

We laughed like hyenas on
the prowl. Hysterical. Unstoppable.
We were like avril lavigne
motherfucking princesses.
So many faces they all melt into
one. It’s hard to remember how
or when or why but in the end
It never matters.

The pictures tell the story now. Cuz
words aren’t enough. My eyes shut and
briefly the memory flashes but then
its gone
just as quickly as it happened.

Amazing. One life in the realm of many.
The years move on.

Gabcast! blog #2

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